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Edit button

  • To edit the workflow application, the user needs to enable the “Edit” button. 
  • Once the Edit button is enabled, options like Update, User Permissions, and Variables will be visible. 
  • To edit the workflow, right click on the workflow control and click “Properties”. 
  • Make necessary changes and click “Save” button to save the changes made in the workflow control.  
  • Then click “Update” button to update the changes in the overall application. 
  • If user disables the Edit button without updating the changes, then a popup window will be shown. 
  • Click “Yes” to discard the changes. Changes will be discarded and Edit button will be disabled. 
  • Or else click “No” to continue to the same page with all the updates available. Now users can verify and update the changes. 
  • To give permissions, click “User Permissions” button. 
  • In the popup window, access can be given by enabling the necessary buttons like Read, Update, Launch, Publish, and All. 
  • Then click “Save” button to save the given permissions. 
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