To implement computation in forms:
- Drag and Drop the Compute Field from the form fields available on the left side of the page.
- Click on the Compute section to view the Field Settings column on the right side of the page.
- Select Number, Date, Date&Time, or String for your computation.
- If you select “Number” for computation, enter the formula in the text box under the Formula section.
- You can either map existing columns or manually input data to achieve the desired results.
- Click the “Save” button.
- If you choose “Date” or “Date & Time,” select the operation you wish to perform: “Add,” “Subtract,” “Between,” or “Duration.”
- For “Add” and “Subtract,” provide inputs such as the number of days, weeks, months, or years to add or subtract from the date.
- Inputs like “Number” and “Date” can either be mapped to the form fields or entered as constant values.
- For “Between” and “Duration,” choose the type and specify the two date & time values.
- If you select “String,” you can choose the form fields you want to concatenate or extract substring.