Integration Microsoft account

Now users can connect to these applications using their organization’s unique client ID and secret key. 

  • To link your Microsoft account, go to the “Manage Organization” section within the administration page.
  • Next, select “Integrated Apps” from the menu on the left side of the screen. 
  • Later, click the option located in the top right corner of the “Microsoft” tab.  
  • Following that, you can input your organization’s distinct Client ID and Secret Key for Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Teams. 
  • Subsequently, click on “Test connect and save” to save the configuration for future use. 
  • Users can also edit the configuration or delete the configuration. 
  • Selecting the “Delete config” option triggers a pop-up alert indicating that all email settings and support boards associated with this configuration will be removed. 
  • You can confirm your deletion request by clicking “Yes,” or alternatively, click “No.” 
  • To establish email settings using this configuration, navigate to “Organization Email” in the menu on the left side. 
  • Then, click the “Add new” button. 
  • If the Client ID hasn’t been configured yet, enter the Setting Name and then proceed by clicking the “Sign in with Microsoft” button. 
  • Subsequently, a pop-up alert will prompt you to configure; click the “Configure” button to proceed with the configuration. 
  • Users can also edit and delete the email setting whenever they want.